Dividing the Divorced Way…Kids and College Common Answers

College Expenses and Child Support FAQ.

Q: My child wants to go to a private college, but there’s a great public college just down the road. Will I be responsible for private tuition, when public tuition is a cheaper option?

A: Often the question arises regarding the cost of private vs. public tuition. There are several factors a court must consider before allowing a child to receive aid for higher tuition costs, when a less expensive and comparable public college is available. Check with a family law attorney in your area for state-specific cases.

Q: What about secondary education after college? Will I be required to pay for my child’s professional studies (e.g. graduate, business or law school)?

A: Again, it depends on a variety of factors, such as grades, expectations of you and your ex, if you’ve always imagined your kids attending graduate school, etc.

Q: When should I apply for college expense support?

A: Ideally — you would make the application after your child has applied to college but before they’ve decided where they’d like to go.

Q: Will the support go to me, my ex-spouse, or my child?

A: Support will go to the spouse, not the child. A child or student still comes home on breaks and in the summer. Since there is still some cost to maintaining the residence for the child to come home, the parent of primary residence will likely collect.

As with most issues in family law, a child’s parents are more capable to decide their child’s educational needs and interests, factoring a child’s personality and preference, than a court. However, when an agreement cannot be reached, it may be necessary to check with a family law attorney.