Dividing the Divorced Way…Kids and College Common Answers

College Expenses and Child Support FAQ.

Q: My child wants to go to a private college, but there’s a great public college just down the road. Will I be responsible for private tuition, when public tuition is a cheaper option?

A: Often the question arises regarding the cost of private vs. public tuition. There are several factors a court must consider before allowing a child to receive aid for higher tuition costs, when a less expensive and comparable public college is available. Check with a family law attorney in your area for state-specific cases.

Q: What about secondary education after college? Will I be required to pay for my child’s professional studies (e.g. graduate, business or law school)?

A: Again, it depends on a variety of factors, such as grades, expectations of you and your ex, if you’ve always imagined your kids attending graduate school, etc.

Q: When should I apply for college expense support?

A: Ideally — you would make the application after your child has applied to college but before they’ve decided where they’d like to go.

Q: Will the support go to me, my ex-spouse, or my child?

A: Support will go to the spouse, not the child. A child or student still comes home on breaks and in the summer. Since there is still some cost to maintaining the residence for the child to come home, the parent of primary residence will likely collect.

As with most issues in family law, a child’s parents are more capable to decide their child’s educational needs and interests, factoring a child’s personality and preference, than a court. However, when an agreement cannot be reached, it may be necessary to check with a family law attorney.

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We provide your debt (mortgage, medical, forclosure, write-offs, bad debt, charge-offs or otherdebts) Amortizing Schedule so you can see month by month, year by year exactly home much you are paying and review the schedule with you;weither you use our serivice or not.

Published in: on August 19, 2010 at 9:13 pm  Leave a Comment  



Published in: on August 19, 2010 at 7:25 pm  Leave a Comment  


Wiether we know it or not we live in a society that has given up, plauged by debt, fear and the raising of our children without a cycle of abuse. We’ve as a people have come so far and so small at the same time. The Jones Mentality has infected and overwhelmed a generation that thinks everything should be given to them without the hard work and sacrafice that goes with it.

It’s easy to begin to feel that all hope is gone. Families are readily willing to give up hope and exchange fear for divorce. We are not taught, in all our schooling how to raise a family and get through the hard times of marriage. Mainly because of the age we are in marriages are suffering because neither party wants to given in and get stuck in a cycle of abusive power struggling. Other may think the grass is greener on the otherside and for some that may be the case. But REAL LOVE IN A MARRIAGE will always “will-out”. Saving our family is not something you can NEVER give – in for. Try setting some communicaton limits and practice just listening without judgment and anger. If your spouse is angery, try to listen and ask or discipher why they are really mad. Usually its not about what you are talking about (especially women) keep it keenly and short with a clear understanding for your partner. Stick to the truth and don’t try embellish sometimes the plain old truth is so much more revealing. If your the listener, LISTEN!; it doesn’t cost you a thing and see your part in the action or fault. Not taking responsiblity and smothering your partner with righteousness and blame will not inspire truth or honesty or trust.

Published in: on August 19, 2010 at 7:19 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Hello Everyone please know I have not left you behind my buisness is growing and so is my Charity Sadie Mae Hope whose site shall be up and running very! And with all that I am still is th midst of a major remodel (God Save Me!) lol….Anyway I just wanted to remind those it pertains too that Credit Cards ompanies are slowly et aggressively buying up smaller banks. One of the biggest buyers right now is Green Dot. Yes! They are the PRE-PAID credit card compaines.

Even with the market slowly rising buisnesses are still stuck and cautious about how they do buisness. (except Best Buy! Stand up and shout out and BoyCott the tyrany!)

Okay, off the soap box now, but really take the time to sign up for newsletters from the Federal Reserve. You just may strike GOLD!!!!

Love and Light

Published in: on August 1, 2010 at 5:39 am  Leave a Comment  



Most people leave for many ideas of which are rooted in anger; without really knowing what is at the root of that anger. While many will offer advice that seems right in a broad spectrum to cover many divorce issues, some may fit but most don’t come close for one main reason.

No situation is the same.

Take my word as a woman who took many years to try to “fix” what’s wrong; when suddenly in a dream it came to me that it wasn’t “fixing” the answer. Healing is.

People often forget in the anger to “listen” to their partner and that “hearing” is NOT THE SAME THING!

Love has its roots in good intentions, yet in anger or pain, it can turn into obsession or an addiction you can’t let go of no matter what your heart and mind is telling you. And your relationship can fall into patterns and predictable traps. Which can make the relationship more un-healthy then what it started with if the patterns when created where recognized and faced honestly.

However its easy to say and even harder to do because people when in love are not “reasonable” and many make the mistake of counseling with family and friends who use their own personal relationships to offer advice instead of just listening so you can talk through what is the real issues.

In this day and age people find it easy to look at divorce to solve their issues. Not considering where their soul, heart, or their own feelings lie. The only real way to find where you are is taking time, space and setting down with a good blank diary and start at the beginning. You can’t make or force your will on your partner, but you CAN help them understand without argument why you feel the way you do.

I never advocate one way or another on divorce or staying with a spouse I’ve never met. Marriage is ordained by the blood of God and the only recognized relationship between man and woman. But let me say this, “Listening” not “Hearing” and “Healing” is your objective nothing more.

I learned through the same process, that even though my love was honest it was obsessive and built on the wrong foundations. However after 15 years I decided because of my illness that I didn’t want to spend the little life I have left trying to fight through issues I wanted to heal yet He didn’t want changed.

But I say again, every situation is different and you need to make your decision about you and rebuild you Life’s Plan with you in charge. Everyone has a story to tell, past or present the clue is to let it go, again easier said then done, but you have to want it ore then anything else. Its going to be hard, you will cry, pray beg, get angry but DON’T fight it. Its apart of the healing and your key to knowing you and what is good for you. Don’t let it break you jet let it reassure your humanity and whatever you do or don’t believe in either call on that God / Goddess or your inner spirit and fight only for your survival.

Real People. Real Debt. Real Solutions!


May 6, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen if you are NOT getting a refund or breaking even on your FEDERAL TAXES…..FIRE YOUR TAX CONSULTANT!
When people file taxes at the end of the year, most put it off it the last moment or like my mother finds a financial eye (me) to help her “see” what she missed. Do it yourselfers forget that okay, yes you can search the internet or even irs.gov; but the plain truth is an expert (not side of road set ups) is always needed.
Tax code must be read. Online every body has the top five or ten mostly missed items and I personally took four hours bouncing site to site for original tax information.
What did I get?
Nothing!!!!! So being the perfectionist pain that I am (or at least that’s what my husband says), I took matter into my own hands and discovered the way to REALLY find the perfect tax incentives! Here is the top five I GOT!
Don’t, Ever, Ever do your own taxes! But DO, DO, DO your research! Save all your receipts and pay by check with the copy left behind and keep track of everything! Then organize and calculate all you have gathered one the week before the end of the year. That way you will be prepared and the Tax associate can’t charge so much for their time. Remember, you get what you pay for and the paying is all on you!
Take time through the year to READ TAX CODE that pertains to YOU! Read my Article at financialfreedomsolutions.wordpress.com about tax breaks for Foreclosure families. I have enough information that I will be offering a $5 e-book (proceeds will go to Sadie Mae Hope Charity) with enough to help you into a new start and will be free to those that homes have already foreclosed. The first steps are to know your rights and not be the middle income life sucking tax payer debt for the country.
File for copies; Make a point of requesting at the end of the tax year for all your back tax returns, credit report, union dues and 401k profit and loss reporting. (Yes I know it’s a lot but I promise I am forwarding to you the VERY BEST ADIVCE!) Contact your health insurance carrier and request a report for all doctors, labs and pharmacy submissions and pay outs to calculate accurately what medical debt you have incurred. If it’s been awhile since you requested your EOB reporting you may want to group it in an every three year tax reporting. Meaning you can only go back and claim three years so match medical information in three year increments and post to and amend your return for that / those years. Some Insurance Companies may question your request but usually do not and a very helpful. Just remember to give accurate information and a clear request to save you time. Also give yourself a window of at least thirty days for your request to process and be sure to state each member under the plan. Health Information Protection Laws have tightened the rein and you may not be able to request a spouses’ information without her signature of release; so get it no matter if they ask or not. Request copies of bank statements as well as credit card statements (If you don’t already have them); clearly record any possible tax advantage. When in doubt record it and inquire to http://www.irs.gov or your trusted tax advisor. Remember you are smarter NOW then you where THEN! Look for discrepancies and state or federal exceptions or breaks you may have missed. I recommend every customer reviews their past returns every three years and NEVER , EVER THROW YOUR TAX INFORMATION AWAY! No-one wants to be on the wrong side of the law (or IRS for that matter!) Some codes, federal laws and regulatory bills are retro-active. Take the time its’ worth the money you may get as a result.
Call your lender, especially if you have a subprime loan, creative financing loan, interest only, or reverse mortgage. It doesn’t matter! Call Right Now! Request a copy of your COMPLETE loan documents! That means your loan origination, settlement page, original offer, appraisal, title search and Amortization Schedule. With Banks and Mortgage Companies, Lenders (I having been employed by two major banks and two major finance companies in Collections, Bankruptcy, Account Management, Loan Officer and a Operations Manager for a National Non-Profit, and yes my age is telling on me!) have a Huge volume of debt they must cure each month. At the height and fall of our global economy, suddenly Lenders are activating clauses in their general loan documents you were not aware of. Example: PMI Insurance (which by the way IS tax deductible but I digress, PMI Insurance is a measure a bank has if your loan goes into foreclosure or your LTV is more then your residence is worth. PMI insurance no matter what any Bank or Lender says, it in place to provide relief to the Bank or Lender if your loan goes into Default or Natural Disaster. This is not a typical insurance that you collect from. They charge you a per diem installment that is included (personally I think its more like Padded) in your mortgage payment. But wait here’s the catch, while its Tax Deductible, it does neither apply to your loan; interest or principle, you can’t cash in on it and they (your Lender) can activate it at any time! Now I’ll give the Hint, so SHHHHHH Come Closer……Request your loan documents and review every clause or call me and I will help!!!!! As with my Mother, they sent her a letter saying she was to now and retro-active to LTV ratio overage, she was to immediately be paying the PMI. When she called they sent her a letter saying it was in her ORIGINALLY FINANCED LOAN DOCUMETS CLAUSE. Well of course pain in the, wait I said that already; anyway I had her pull them out. Each re-finance she had with them (3). Her original Loan documents DID NOT have the clause they said she did! Again and Altogether Now: NEVER , EVER, EVER, THROW ANYTHING AWAY!!!! If she requested at the receipt of that letter her loan documents may well have been altered to that effect. Why not? They told her it was in her documents and I found that it wasn’t. I’ll complete another article telling and documenting saving her $1500 in settlement costs and actually getting a check for over $3500 at closing, all because of a little thing called……Amortizations Schedule The Bread and Butter of the Lender because nearly all loans are signed and written into effect without the mortgagee ever receiving one. Lenders are notorious for padding fees and a 4 point loan can become easily 6 points with padding. I offer to review your loan documents at $25.00 and guarantee if I don’t save you $100 or more I will refund your money. If you have a second mortgage or even a first subprime loan (especially with Citifinancial) Look for you’re clause that says “ON THE ANNVERSARY OF YOUR LOAN; YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST AND REDUCE YOUR INTEREST RATE”. Now I don’t know about you but that is music to my ears!
This one is easy: DO NOT DO YOUR OWN TAXES! GET HELP! Pride falls to the way side when there is money involved and EVERY family right now needs all they can get!

This Article is Published and is original with full copy rights belonging to Financial Freedom Solutions Network and is explicitly under full weight of the Law, unavailable for copying or usage without permission for this Intellectual Property. To Copy, re-post or other alter this document for profit IS AGAINST THE LAW! Contact Aixa Sherin @ 1-240-346-1540 for link back or tagging. http://www.finan

Published in: on May 8, 2010 at 6:51 am  Leave a Comment  


Saints Sergius and Bacchus. 7th Century icon. ...
Image via Wikipedia

Get Those Opinions Ready.  Civil Rights have moved from gender and race to the basic human rights this country was built on. In an age where children and teens make monre money then their parents, where technology has advanced by leaps and bounds and social acceptance is worth it $ dollar; why is the right to marry who you please or want still an issue? Get those opinions ready, I believe Americans are about to have a new CIVIL WAR!

This National non-profit organization and social movement, at the heart of which lies a simple pledge not to marry until Congress repeals the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA denies over 1,000 federal rights associated with marriage – and not just joint tax filing. We’re talking about things like the right to visit one’s dying partner in the hospital and the $100,000 of compensation normally paid to the spouses of police officers who are killed in the line of duty.

Sign the pledge.

But it’s not just about marriage or civil rights – it’s about dignity. By wearing an Equality Ring and boycotting marriage, you’re showing the ultimate respect towards your friends who enter same-sex relationships. Wearing an Equality Ring allows you to show your support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights by symbolizing your commitment to boycott marriage. All too often, young LGBT and questioning teens look to friends and society for acceptance, and don’t find it. The Equality Ring helps create a safer and more accepting world for LGBT and questioning youth.

Wear the Equality Ring.

Equality Ring National Marriage Boycott is also a youth movement. NMB has over 30 branches at high schools and universities in over 10 states, and believes in the capacity of youth activism to empower the next generation of progressive leaders. By buying your Equality Ring in a donation package, you can support this movement beyond making the pledge itself. Join NMB in our sponsorship of The Trevor Project, a non-profit dedicated to reducing the high suicide rate among LGBT and questioning teens.

Your gift can make a difference. Donate.

Equality Ring
Give the Gift of Equality
Equality Rings make the perfect gift for your socially-conscious friends and family. Both elegant and meaningful, this really is a gift that keeps on giving.

1. Sign the pledge. 2. Wear the Equality Ring. 3. Boycott marriage.

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Published in: on May 8, 2010 at 5:28 am  Leave a Comment  

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Published in: on March 23, 2010 at 2:59 pm  Comments (1)